Psychological Therapy Supervision
Interns develop skills in conceptualization, treatment planning, diagnosis, treatment provision, outreach planning and facilitation, self-reflection, and professionalism by actively participating in at least 4 hours of supervision per week and at least 2 hours of didactic training. Interns receive a half-hour of supervision of group therapy per week from the staff member they are co-facilitating group with. In the case of two interns facilitating a group together, a half-hour of weekly supervision of group therapy will be provided by the Group Coordinator and consultation will be available regularly as needed for IQ testing Sydney . The supervision is used to process the group experience, plan for future sessions, and develop interns’ skills in group facilitation. During the spring semester, supervision of supervision focuses on interns’ experiences acting as a supervisor to a master’s counseling intern or doctoral practicum trainee. During group supervision intern psycholog...